Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Romantic Dinner Tips

Are you looking to re-ignite that romance flame? Well, I have a new article just published on Street Articles that gives you a few tips on creating a romantic dinner for your significant other. I give tips on planning and mood setting. Head on over and check it out, you might find something useful for your next romantic adventure.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Survival Paracord Bracelets

Okay I am back on track in creating my lenses. I have just finished another one over at Squidoo. This one deals with survival paracord bracelets.

There is a a video included on how to make a survival bracelet. I also give different places to pick up supplies so that you can build them. If building them are not your thing, I have included a way to buy ready-made bracelets.

I hope you can make it over to check it out.

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Christian Marriage Bed

It has been awhile since I created a new lens, so I worked on one last night and got it posted. So, you can check it out on Squidoo.

It basically covers some instruction on sex inside a Christian marriage. I think it has some pretty good information.